Plugin: Vestas Serial Test Interface (GInsVestasPlugin)

The GInsVestasPlugin is a controller plugin to read the Vestas Serial Test Interface Protocol and map the Vestas channels to the controller's virtual variables


The GInsVestasPlugin is a controller plugin that reads the Vestas Serial Test Interface Protocol (V112) and maps the Vestas channels to the controller's virtual variables such that they can be monitored and logged together with the standard measurement data. The Serial Test Interface is a data streaming functionality in Vestas wind turbines intended for performance measurements. The data is transmitted over RS485. Because the Q.series controller has no native serial port, a USB-to-serial converter is required.

Minimum system requirements

  • Q.station 101, Q.raxx station, or Q.brixx2 station controller
  • Controller firmware v2.12 B06 or later
  • GI.monitor version v1.10.2.0 or later
  • A USB-to-serial converter compatible with the Q.series controller

Plugin installation

Download the correct plugin version that matches the controller firmware version from the Gantner Instruments Public Download Area.

For installation instructions please refer to the page: installing a plugin.

Plugin configuration

👉 The configuration of a plugin is done through a plugin-specific configuration interface using GI.monitor.
👉 Be sure that there is no other protocol configured for the USB port where the USB-to-serial converter is connected.

  1. The Vestas plugin can read and write data to the controller's virtual variables. The controller virtual variables must be created first before configuring the plugin. The virtual variables should be configured as Setpoint and the Data direction should be Input for reading data into the Q.series controller or Output for writing data to the Vestas turbine. If a virtual variable is set to Input/Output it will behave like an output variable.
  2. Start GI.monitor from the GI.bench menu in the system tray. To connect to the plugin, enter the Server Address (IP address of your controller), set the Server Port to 1200, and click Connect. If you do not know the IP address of your Q.series controller, use the Search button to find all controllers connected to your network.
  3. Next to the Route dropdown list click Reload and then select /GInsVestasPlugin.
  4. Select Configure under GInsVestasPlugin/GInsPluginAPI to set the global parameters for the serial communication interface. Adjust the parameters (BaudRate, CharFormat, and SerialPort) as needed to match the settings of the Vestas wind turbine. Click Send to store the new plugin configuration on the controller.
  5. If the serial interface has been configured correctly, a list with available Vestas channels is shown. Each variable has three parameters: GInsVariabelName, VestasChName, VestasChUnit. The VestasChName and the VestasChUnit are pre-filled with the information provided by the Vestas wind turbine. In the GInsVariableName field enter the name of the controller virtual variable to which the Vestas channel should be mapped. Click Send to store the plugin configuration on the controller.