The GInsNemionePlugin is a controller plugin that integrates nemione® wireless sensors into the Q.series DAQ system
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Requirements and Limitations
- Plugin Installation
- Plugin Configuration
- Example: Read Data from a Nemi G+
1. Introduction
Often, vibrations have to be measured directly on the component in places that are difficult to access. If the component is also in motion, such as a rotor shaft, the wiring of the sensors becomes even more difficult. For this case, the nemione wireless sensors are ideally suited.
With this plugin, the nemione sensors can be configured and the data streams of a Nemi connect are seamlessly integrated.
2. Requirements and Limitations
The minimum system requirements for this plugin are:
- Q.station-X to connect a Nemi Connect (Q.station 101 not recommended due to less performance)
Controller firmware v2.16 or later (32-bit)
GI.monitor version or later (included in GI.bench)
Currently following Nemione hardware is supported:
- nemi Connect (receiver)
- nemi G+ (vibration, IMU)
- nemiDAQ (analog/digital inputs, IMU)
- nemi SenseBox (analog/digital inputs, IMU)
3. Plugin Installation
Download the correct plugin version that matches the controller firmware version from the Gantner public download area.
For installation instructions, refer to the page: installing a plugin.
4. Plugin Configuration
The overall process of the configuration consists of the following parts:
- Connect to the configuration interface
- Prepare variables on Q.station
- Configure used hardware layout
- Configure sensors with measurement parameters
- Map data streams to Q.station
- Start data acquisition
- Check for info messages
4.a. Connect to Configuration Interface
The configuration of a plugin is done through a plugin-specific configuration interface using GI.webMonitor or a website (recommended).
Using website | Using GI.webMonitor |
The GI.webMonitor or the plugin's website can be used for the configuration. The functionality is identical in both possibilities, but the website offers a better overview and thus simplifies the configuration.
4.b. Set Default Configuration
If the plugin is freshly installed, no configuration is present. In this case, the button Set default settings on the website
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or SetDefaultConfiguration in GI.webMonitor can be used to create an empty configuration.
Using GI.webmonitor |
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4.c. Prepare Variables in GI.bench
The GInsNemionePlugin writes data to an additional data stream on the controller. Before configuring the mapping in the plugin, this data stream with its variables must be created. The variables should be configured as Setpoint, and the Data direction should be Input.
The naming of data streams and variables can be set as desired. However, they can also be named according to a predefined scheme, with which the following mapping can be done automatically. The names used for this can be found on the website and in the GI.webMonitor (GetAvailableMeasChannels).
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The scheme for a data stream has the following structure. It consists of a prefix (Nemione_), a three-digit number for the selection of the sensor (XYZ), and an optional suffix (_OptionalSuffix):
The first digit describes the index of the connection starting with 1 (index of NemiConnect), the second digit describes the index of the sensor starting with 1 (slot on NemiConnect), and the third digit describes the sensor stream starting with 1 (a sensor can have multiple streams for example NemiDAQ).
The streams can be created manually using GI.bench or automatical with the plugin. Automatically, the used hardware layout must be configured before (see next point). Afterward, the button Add additional stream can be used to create the streams.
Finally, the Q.station must be re-read in GI.bench to see the created streams.
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4.d. Configure the used Hardware Layout
The first step is the configuration of the hardware layout. The information consists of the used USB port, the receiver type, and the sensor slot assignment. This setting can be done in the left panel of the website (remember to click Save afterward) or with ConfigureHardware in GI.webMonitor.
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4.e. Configure Sensors with Measurement Parameters
In the next step, the parameters of the sensors are set. The parameters depend on the sensor and are typically range settings and sampling rates. The set sampling rate should be identical to the additional datastream on the Q.station to avoid unnecessary resampling. The RF channel is also set here and must match the setting on the sensor.
This setting can be done in the middle panel of the website (remember to click Save afterward) or with ConfigureSensor in GI.webMonitor.
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4.f. Map Data Streams to Q.station
The data streams must be mapped to the additional data streams on the Q.station. As said before, automatic mapping is done if the stream and variable names are set accordingly.
Otherwise, the mapping can be done with the middle panel on the website (remember to click Save afterward) or with MapDatastream in GI.webMonitor.
It is also possible to write the measured values directly into the process image of the Q.station ( for example to use them in EtherCAT). In real-time control systems, it may be necessary to have only the last measurement. This can be a problem because the Nemione measurements are collected and then written burst by burst. To solve this problem, old values can be skipped so that only the most recent values are written to the process image.
A tare function is also included, which sets the value of the variable back to zero.
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4.g. Start Data Acquisition
Finally, the data acquisition should be started. Normally this is done automatical or manually with the according button on the website or with StartSystem in GI.webMonitor. The acquisition can be stopped with the according button on the website or with StopSystem in GI.webMonitor.
For the system configuration, it may be safer to stop the data acquisition in the beginning and start it after all settings are done.
The data acquisition only starts if no error is found in the configuration.
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4.h. Check for Plugin State
The current plugin state can be seen in the right panel of the website or using GI.webMonitor with GetSensorConnectionState and GetNemioneInfoMessages .
The lights at the top indicate the state of nemione hardware. The first light is green if a nemi Connect is connected, the other lights turn green when data acquisition is running and a sensor has been found.
If the data acquisition is stopped, the plugin state is set to Check Config, otherwise, it shows Process Data.
If the system is running, some info messages should be sent at least from Nemi Connect but also from working sensors. These info messages are shown below the plugin state.
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5. Example: Read Data from a Nemi G+
This is a small example of how to include measurement data of a Nemi G+. For this, a Nemi Connect is connected with a USB cable to a Q.station to receive wireless data. As a sensor, a Nemi G+ is used, which is configured to the RF channel 10 and a desired sampling frequency of 4000 Hz.
- Connect Nemi Connect to Q.station via USB cable.
- Set the RF channel in Nemi G+ to a desired value (In this case, 10). For this, use the software wiredSensorConfig by Nemione.
Setup GI.bench
Create a new project and read in the desired Q.station. Afterward, an additional data stream should be created on the Q.station (right-click on Q.station -> Add -> Add additional data stream). For each Nemi G+ one and each NemiDAQ, three additional data streams are needed.
To use the automatic mapping, the data stream is set to Nemione_111_MyNemiStream, and 4000 Hz is set as the source sampling rate.
Append 15 variables (one for each measurement) to this stream. Set them as Setpoint with direct input and a floating point precision. The names can be chosen freely, but using a name according to the described scheme simplifies further handling by automatic mapping. Afterward, write the changes to the Q.station.
Create a stream on the project level (Right click on project -> Add -> Add additional data stream) and add all variables from the controller stream. Save the project afterward.
It is possible to filter the measurements with an enhanced data stream on the project level. This filtering is optional but is shown in this example. For this create an enhanced data stream (Right click on project -> Add -> Add enhanced data stream) and give it a meaningful name. Select the other Nemione stream on the project level as the source and add the wanted variables.
Then select all variables and set a filter as needed (Select variables -> right click -> Edit variables -> Filter/Averaging). Save the project afterward.
Connect to Configuration Interface
The plugin's configuration can be done in two ways: either use GI.monitor / GI.webmonitor or the plugin website. It is recommended to use the website due to its simpler interface, but the monitor is also feasible. First, connect to the desired interface (see also here).
Configure Hardware Layout
The first step is to select the used hardware layout. In this case, the NemiConnect is attached to USB Port 1, and a Nemi G+ is available on the first slot. The default value (Nemi G+) for the second and third slots is preserved. Remember to click Save / Send.
With the hardware layout, the plugin selects the needed parameters and mapping for the sensor types and updates the website.
Configure Sensors
Now the sensors are configured with an RF channel set to 2410 MHz and sensor mode Sleep for the second and third sensors. Remember to click Save / Send.
On the website, the automatic mapping can be seen already in the lower row.
Map Data Streams
In this case, the mapping was done automatically because the data stream and the variables were named according to the described scheme. Otherwise, the mapping must now be set.
In GI.monitor, this setting is tricky because after setting the data stream, the UI must be reloaded to select the variables. The workflow, in this case, is: Open MapDatastream -> Selct GInsStream in needed sensors -> Save mapping with button Send on the bottom of the page -> Left click to MapDatastream to reload UI -> Now the selection lists for the variables should be filled with available variables of the selected stream -> Map variables -> Save mapping with button Send on the bottom of the page.
Start System
Finally, the data acquisition is started if the configuration has no errors. If needed, the data acquisition can be started and stopped with StartSystem and StopSystem, which can be useful for configuration.
Show Results
The data streams are available locally on the Q.station (Browser http://IP_OF_QSTATION:8090) and in GI.bench.