test.commander Logging Wizard

Setting up Logger Wizard in test.commander

  1. Setup all desired channels in test.commander. In this example, I have 1 x TC type E
    configured on an A104 module.
  2. Set up the desired sync rate of the Gantner system. Double-click on the controller
    (Q.gate IP), selecting settings, synchronization, sync sample frequency
  3. Setup logging wizard:
    1. Right-click on controller
    2. Select Logger wizard
    3. Select which buffer to log
    4. Select the location to save data: USB
    5. Select logging mode: continuous
  4. Save the project to the controller.
  5. Click on read online values from the controller.
  6. Click on Set RTC: use local PC time, and click on synchronize.
  7. Data is now being logged to the USB with time-stamped synchronized to your PC’s clock.
  8. Remove the USB from the controller and attach it to PC to collect data.
  9. Run test.viewer on PC
    1. Click on file
    2. Append file
    3. Select all files except the first file
    4. Click on Open
    5. Data from multiple files are combined on the screen

  10. Click on Settings, ASCII save options. Make sure milliseconds are checked and make sure Date & Time is checked. Click OK.
  11. Click on File, Save As, and choose the desired format.
  12. Notice that the time resolution is saved in milliseconds: