Q.station 101 Connection Details

Overview of the various hardware and communication bus interfaces available on the Q.station 101

Q.station 101 Top View

Q.station 101 Bottom View

The Q.station 101 has the following ports:

  1. Power; 10-30 VDC, overvoltage and overcurrent protection, ~12W power consumption.

  2. Ethernet; TCP/IP, UDP, Modbus TCP (master/slave), OPC UA, MQTT.

  3. USB/RS-232 (x2); For connecting a USB flash drive for data storage and the connection of USB/serial devices, such as GPS receivers. It can also connect a CAN/USB adapter for CAN or CAN FD communication.

  4. CAN; CAN 2.0 at 1 Mbps

  5. Sync; For external time synchronization or sync to/from another Q.station.
  6. Digital inputs (x6)
    Configurable as counter, frequency, PWM, status, encoder input for measurement synchronization.

Q.brixx station

LEMO Connectors

Power Supply: FGJ.1B.302.CLLD4ZZ
Sync: FGG.00.302.CLAD30Z
RS485: FGG.00.302.CLAD30Z
CAN: FGG.00.302.CLAD30Z

DIO: FGG.1B.308.CLADxx

Digital Inputs