
This document shows how to configure a Q.sceen monitor

Activate (PWM Mode)


On default bios a blind Setup via Keyboard is required before anything is visible on the Display.

  1. Press „DEL“ key a few seconds
  2. 1x Arrow Right
  3. 2x Arrow Down
  4. Enter
  5. 11x Arrow Down
  6. +
  7. F10
  8. Enter


Setup fixed Resolution (Display independent)


Congatec QA


On Default Bios for Q.Station 101 the Display Setup have to be done „Blind“ via Keyboard for the correct Resolution of 1024x768 also for correct resolution via VNC.


  1. Press „DEL“key a few Seconds
  2. 1x Arrow Right
  3. 2x Arrow Down
  4. Enter
  5. 6x Arrow Down
  6. Enter
  7. 6x Arrow Down
  8. Enter
  9. F10
  10. Enter

Congatec QA3


  1. Boot the module and repeatedly click „DEL“to start Bios
    1. In BIOS Setup the Post Code will be Ab
    2. If the Entry Point was missed, the Post Code will remain on AE
  2. In Bios Setup click 1x Arrow Right to go from Main Menu to Advanced Menu
  3. 1x Arrow Down to Graphics Menu
  4. Enter to open Graphics Menu
  5. 3x Arrow Down to Menu Local Flat Panel Type
  6. Enter
  7. 1x down to choose VGA 640*480 1*18
  8. Enter
  9. F10


Note: If you hit F9 Bios Default Settings can be loaded.


MSC Q7 BT (Q.Station X)


Settings for Display resolution on Q.Station X + Firmware >= V2.14


Setup the Resolution + LVDS on Bios:

For resolution lower or higher than 1024x768 the setup always must be done in Bios.

This is also required if display port is used.


  1. Connect USB-Keyboard (+ optional Display Port Cable)
  2. Power on Q.Station
  3. Press DEL for a few Seconds
  4. 2x Arrow Right
  5. Enter

Following Settings are required:



  1. eDP Color Depth: 18bit
  2. LVDS Panel Type: 800*480
  3. LVDS Mapping: 24Bit FPDI
  4. Number of LVDS Channel: Single Channel (1bpp)
  5. LVDS Spread spectrum: Disabled
  6. LVDS voltage Swing: 400mV
  7. Backlight control:
    1. BL_EN Control: Chipset
    2. BL_EN Polarity: High active
    3. PWM Control: Chipset


Display configuration:

Additional configurations on the Firmware are required:

  1. Wait until Q.Station is Booted (Note: Display Output may be false on this point)
  2. Connect to Q.Station via FTP (e.g. Total Commander) with User: 0 / pw: 0
  3. In the File self.ini change DisplayCFG to the correct Resolution (Note: at this point only 800*480 is supported!) -> Example below
  4. Save File and keep open the FTP Connection otherwise Q.Station will reboot
  5. Connect via GI.Monitor to the Q.Station (Port 1200 or 8090)
  6. In FirmwareUpdateAPI select „HandleUpdateTask“with the Action FinalizeUpdate and click send
  7. Station will now reboot with the correct Display Resolution


Self.ini example:












Setup Resolution via Linux Commands:

  1. In /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
  2. Change the uvesafb mode_option (for example mode_option=1024*768-8
  3. After update-initramfs -k all -u
  4. Reboot

Set Resolution direct


List all the available display modes for your board. This can be done with the following command:

# cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes


This will give you an idea which resolution can be set.

Now, set the desired resolution with the following command:


# echo "V:1024x768p-60" > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode

Here I am assuming that you got the value V:1024x768p-60 from the list of modes you saw in the previous step.

Now, install the fbset tool. The command can be different depending on the distro you installed on Banana Pro. For instance, for Arch Linux use the following command:


# pacman -S fbset


Run fbset without parameters. It will produce some output like this: fbset output
Make sure that it matches the current resolution you set with the „echo“ command. Now run the following command:

# fbset >> /etc/fb.modes


This will add your current mode to the file /etc/fb.modes. fbset output to the file

Open the /etc/fb.modes file with any text editor (you can use something like nano).
Go to the end of the file.
There you will find the current mode.
Rename the section to something like „mymode“ and remove the rgba line.
Before: beforeAfter: after
Now, you can type the following command at any time to set the current resolution:


# fbset mymode


This will switch the display resolution for the console framebuffer.

Now, to change the Banana Pro display resolution automatically on every boot, you can do the following:

If your distro (Bananian, for example) does not come with the systemd init manager, add the fbset mymode command to the end of the /etc/rc.local file.
If you are using systemd (e.g. when you are using Arch Linux), create a new *.service file, i.e. display.service and put it in the following location:




Add the following content to the display.service file:


[Unit]Description=Display resolutionAfter=local-fs.targetDefaultDependencies=no [Service]Type=simpleExecStart=/usr/bin/fbset mymode [Install]WantedBy=multi-user.target


After that, you need to enable the unit:


# systemctl enable display.service


That's it. Now, at every boot, your Banana Pro board will set the required display resolution automatically.