LEDs and Diagnostic Codes

Description of the LED codes for a Q.series X or Q.series Classic controller and modules

Q.station X

Q.station X has two LEDs at the front upper-right edge:

  • LED A (blue)
  • LED B (orange)

Normal Operation

  • LED A ON

Storage to external memory

LED A flashing quickly during data transfer

Error (System Fault)

A solid ON, B periodically flashes

Check the error states section in GI.bench (Configuration > Tools > Online Device Status)

Firmware Error


The firmware could not load. Try disconnecting and reconnecting power to the Q.station X.


Q.series X Modules

A Q.series X modules has 3 LEDs (A = Blue, B = Green, C = Red)  

SOS; Configuration Error

The saved configuration does not match the connected module

  1. Change the module to the correct module type
  2. Reconfigure module via GI.bench
  3. Disable hot-swap by flipping the 8th DIP switch on the socket to the UP position

Firmware Download

Activation of Downloaded Firmware

Failure during the module start sequence

This indicates a failure during module startup

  1. Check that all connections inside the module (CPU board and socket) are secure
  2. Check that connections between the module and its backplane are secure
  3. Check all connections between modules and controller are secure
  4. Check all interface connections between controllers or modules are secure
  5. Power cycle hardware (disconnect power for at least 60 sec) and try the connection again.

Q.bloxx Classic Modules

The Q.bloxx module has 3 LEDs (1 blue and 2 red). Depending on the failure state of the module, the behavior of the flashing LEDs can be differentiated.

  1. Two LEDs are flashing approximately 20 Hz. The 3rd LED flashes within 1 second; and displays the error code number.
    1. APP Failure: Blue and Red1 are fast, and Red2 shows the error code:
      1. 1: Wrong module type in the calibration file
      2. 2: Wrong FPGA version number
      3. 3: DIP switch failure (timeout)
      4. 4: Socket EE failure (timeout)
    2. OS Failure: Blue and Red2 are fast, and Red1 shows the error code:
      1. 1: Wrong module type in the calibration file
      2. 2: Wrong FPGA version number (not supported)
      3. 3: Application software is missing
      4. 4: FPGA software not available
  2. The module is running in the OS software.
    1. OS failure code from above → application is missing
    2. This is also shown while the application is downloaded
  3. All 3 x LEDs flash together: Morse code SOS
    1. Module types detected in the socket and in the module configuration file are not the same. This stops when the next configuration is downloaded.
    2. ***-- -- --*** ***-- -- --*** ***-- -- --***
  4. Running LEDs
    1. During an FPGA or OS download, the module changes into configuration mode, and a restart is needed to get into normal measure mode again.
      1. Blue → Red1 → Red2 → Blue → Red1 → Red2 → Blue → Red1 → Red2
    2. Active when a download of FPGA or APP is initiated in the OS. It should never be active when the system is running at the customer.
      1. Red2 → Red1 → Blue → Red2 → Red1 → Blue → Red2 → Red1 → Blue
  5. Only Blue LED
    1. Configuration mode timeout → DSP communication lost
      1. ** ** ** ** **
    2. Data exchange mode timeout → FPGA communication lost
      1. * * * * *
    3. Continuously blue, no flashing → No communication timeout, normal operation in the application software
  6. Only Red (error) LEDs
    1. Analog modules: Range error is active at the connector in front of the LED (can be enabled or disabled).
  7. Only Orange (digital I/Os) LEDs
    1. Digital modules: The LED behind the digital input or output shows that it is active.